tinyBiz Installation Guide

Configure database connection

You need to have previously setup database from the cPanel.

Here is a good tutorial how to setup MySQL database in cPanel if you are not familiar with this.

  1. Login to cPanel by accessing www.yourdomain.com/cpanel and navigate go MySQL Databases.
  2. Create database first.
  3. Create user and setup your password.
  4. Add the user to database by selecting the database and the username.

Make sure you have checked All privileged when adding the user to database.


Upload the files to your hosting folder and navigate to your base url http://yourdomain.com/app/install.

Make sure all the system requirements are met in order to proceed with installation.

Populate the fields according to your database and Click “Install & Proceed to Company Profile”.

If any errors found while connecting you will be notified otherwise you will proceed to complete your profile

Fill all the required details and then “Save & Proceed to your Profile”

The currency you select will be the base currency. It is important to be sure about your choice. Default currency can be changed later but will affect the values of your items, which means you will need to update the items value. too

Fill out every field and “Complete Installation”.


After successful installation you need to:
Login using the your email and password used during installation

That’s it.

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